Category: primary care

How people of faith can respond to our broken health system [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we speak with G. Scott Morris, a physician and ordained minister who has dedicated his career to treating patients with chronic conditions at Church Health. He shares his e…

Emotional seasons: 3 vignettes of love, loss, and connection

At the end of a year and the beginning of another, emotions tend to run high. Whether it be the loss of a loved one or the tangled web of interactions with relatives, an unexpected illness or travel plan glitches, wonderful moments to cherish, or joyfu…

Don’t lose yourself: a warning from a divorced physician

I was going through drawers, finishing unpacking as best I could, when I stumbled upon one of those moments that feels like a puzzle piece sliding into place. I recently divorced, moved across the country, took a leave of absence from work, and changed…

Physician speaks out about being threatened by a patient and betrayed by an organization

I’ve been practicing internal medicine for over a decade now. I was drawn to this field because of my admiration for Dr. William Osler and the superb physicians I have met who embody his qualities. As an internal medicine physician, I am expected…

Is success really just about wealth and achievements?

Success is a word that is used frequently across the globe. Almost everyone wishes to experience a great amount of success all the time. We are constantly bombarded with images of success through the internet, mainstream media, and social media. These …

The intertwined roles of parenting and medicine: How personal experience can enhance patient care

As a pediatric subspecialist in the division of developmental medicine at our hospital and a mother of two school-aged children, I constantly strive to find new approaches to both parenting and my medical practice. Some of these strategies work well, w…

Returning the joy of medicine to our primary care physicians 

Nearly 50 years have passed since the first published mention of physician burnout. Clinical psychologist Herbert Freudenberger described the “excessive demands on energy, strength or resources” and wrote of how it resulted in “fatigu…

Ensuring equitable, quality treatment in Black and marginalized people [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! “For Black patients—or any member of any marginalized group—to ensure you receive equitable and equal treatment, it is important to advocate for yourself. Speak up, ask questions, and…

How you can thrive despite the looming physician shortage

A perfect storm is brewing in the U.S. health care system, and we must prepare to counter the rushing waves. America is facing a potentially catastrophic physician shortfall. All indicators point toward unprecedented times ahead. If I were an attorney,…

Understanding patients’ religious and spiritual beliefs promotes healing

Religious and spiritual experiences have shaped my worldview since I was a teenager. At age 13, I celebrated my bar mitzvah. Later that year, I underwent an appendectomy. A priest asked my mother if he could pray for me prior to the operation. My mothe…