Category: Public Health & Policy

More than a “bad day”: Asian-American medical trainees need your support

On March 16, 2021, 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long had a “bad day,” in the words of Captain Jay Baker of the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department, and went to three different spas or massage parlors to kill eight people, including six Asian-America…

More than a “bad day”: Asian-American medical trainees need your support

On March 16, 2021, 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long had a “bad day,” in the words of Captain Jay Baker of the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department, and went to three different spas or massage parlors to kill eight people, including six Asian-America…

Identity politics and performative activism

The last four years of American political life have demonstrated the pervasive nature of identity politics in America. We are so sharply divided that we can’t even choose to agree on the terms of reality. In a world so divided, letting people know what…

Protect the women who protect us

On a typical pandemic Thursday night, I found myself scrolling through TikTok.  This has turned into the guilty pleasure of my life.  Sometimes you need something to do that will make you forget about your own problems and work.  On this particular day…

Do politics have a place in medicine? [PODCAST]

“In addition to being a pediatrician, I am Jewish and the granddaughter of a sole Holocaust survivor. My grandfather’s family perished in Auschwitz, a concentration camp in Poland. My grandfather alone escaped, skiing through the night, to his sa…

Inside the $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill is a political time bomb for Republicans

Contained inside the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill is a political time bomb for Republicans. Included in the bill’s long list of stimulus spending is a provision that delivers on President Biden’s promise to stren…

Health care from the trenches: Change must come from us [PODCAST]

“We, as a profession, must accept some blame for many of the developing problems in health care delivery. No, I am not suggesting that we caused the problem. I am stating that we have had ample opportunities to manage the debacle and even to reve…

Why environmental justice is integral to the future of medicine

This past year has been one of overwhelming extremes: global pandemic, a national reckoning on racism, devastating wildfires and storms, and political disarray. To some it was perhaps just a difficult year. But to those who can identify the common thre…

How physicians can emerge stronger after 2020 [PODCAST]

“With 2020 behind us and the pandemic still raging, it is incumbent upon us to take a close look in the rear-view mirror. While the vaccines’ approval gives us all hope, the vaccination initiative’s slow rollout should worry us. Physicians, healt…

Emergency departments need to claim their role in the social safety net

A patient once told me, “I sit on the side of the road asking for change. People look right through me like I’m invisible. Food stamps aren’t enough. I can’t afford to exist and I want to die.” A man is dying of poverty — this is an emergency, bu…