Category: Public Health & Policy

The rise of gender reveals: a global health perspective

Pink or blue? Expectant parents want to know, and the question of what sex their baby will be has become a major enterprise in the English-speaking world over the past twenty years. Throwing full-size parties with binary balloons and a colored cake has…

Why the preservation of the Affordable Care Act should matter to you

Were you born female? If so, do you want to conceive, need birth control, a mammogram, or an annual exam? Gender aside, do you have any underlying health problems? Do you lack employer-sponsored insurance but do not qualify for Medicare or Medicaid? If…

Power at the top of health care in America

We have lost over 223,000 American lives due to COVID-19.  The pandemic response has been an atrocious mish-mash of information, disjointed policy directives, and abysmal national leadership. There are only two women out of the 27 members of the White …

Why politics has a place in medicine

I am a pediatrician. I live and work in a liberal city in a liberal state. As you may expect, of late, politics has been a hot topic of discussion at the hospital in which I work. From the massive change in practice and policy-driven by the coronavirus…

Do police officers get jaded over time, just like a lot of physicians do?

For many years and in disturbing frequency over the past few years, police brutality has been a big-ticket issue. The excessive use of force has led to innumerable acts of civil rights violation and, most tragically, the disproportionate death and dest…

Are political physicians dangerous?

We are accustomed in the profession of medicine to be in the position to care for and serve people from a variety of disparate occupational backgrounds and from all facets of society.  We serve the poor.  We care for the privileged.  We are destined, a…

The safety of patients is dependent on our commitment to a just and change-oriented mindset

Over the last seven months, the state of medicine, as we have known it in the United States, has been found out.  Disjointed, disheartened, and failing.  For every ounce of energy we have put into patient safety, quality improvement, and preventing med…

A Black man’s self-worth in medicine

Do you remember what you dreamed of becoming as an adult? I do, and I recall my father telling me I could be anything I wanted to be. My dreams were shattered as soon as I stepped into a prison and I am still trying to pick up the pieces of my self-wor…

A Black man’s self-worth in medicine

Do you remember what you dreamed of becoming as an adult? I do, and I recall my father telling me I could be anything I wanted to be. My dreams were shattered as soon as I stepped into a prison and I am still trying to pick up the pieces of my self-wor…

5 things medical professionals can do to take climate action 

The flurry of recent articles on the adverse effects of climate change on health are almost as overwhelming as the climate crisis itself. Just this past year, over 300 medical students came together to found Medical Students for a Sustainable Future (M…