Colorado lawmakers approved a measure that will make it easier for people to fix their power wheelchairs when they wear out or break down, but arcane regulations and manufacturers create high hurdles for nationwide reform.
Global monkeypox cases have risen to more than 550 across 30 countries, up from 257 confirmed cases on May 26, the World Health Organization said during a June 1 news conference, according to CNBC.
The Justice Department on May 31 asked a federal appeals court to reverse a ruling from a federal judge in Florida that voided the nation’s mask mandate on public transportation, including airplanes and airports, NPR reports.
The current rise in COVID-19 cases could be 10 to 14 times worse than official counts suggest, but experts say there is still merit in reporting cases, The Atlantic reported May 29.
Conservative states are moving to severely restrict abortions, and many are pressing for bans that provide no exception for cases of rape or incest or even to save the life of the mother. But public opinion polls suggest those limits could cause blowback.
COVID-19 reinfections are becoming a regular occurrence in the U.S. as new variants emerge and surges come and go, but experts are still unclear on the long-term ramifications of these repeat infections, according to The Atlantic.
Global health officials have identified 650 probable cases of acute hepatitis of unknown origin among children in 33 countries, the World Health Organization said May 27.