Category: Public Health

To Quarantine or Not: The Hard Choices Schools Are Leaving to Parents and Staff

Back-to-school season has fueled immediate covid outbreaks. Instead of beefing up protections, some districts are letting students go without masks, physical distancing and quarantines. And parents are left to make impossibly tough decisions.

How Rape Affects Memory, and Why Police Need to Know About That Brain Science

How a sexual assault survivor is questioned by police can greatly influence the ability to access memories of the traumatic incident. Better interview techniques might help solve more cases.

Pediatric COVID-19 cases up fivefold in August: 6 things to know

Read the full post on Becker's Hospital Review – Healthcare News

Delta Cutting ‘Like a Buzzsaw’ Through Oregon-California Border Counties

Zoom in on states with overall good vaccination rates and you see a checkerboard effect, with rural areas far lagging urban zones. That’s allowed the pandemic to rage in places like Jackson County, Oregon, overwhelming hospitals.

US COVID deaths hit 6-month high & 7 other updates

Read the full post on Becker's Hospital Review – Healthcare News

‘My Time to Live’: Through Novel Program, Kidney Patients Get Palliative Care, Dialysis ’Til the End

Seattle’s Northwest Kidney Centers, which pioneered kidney failure treatment 50 years ago, now pairs dying patients with hospice services, without forcing them to forgo the comfort dialysis can provide.

Concert Venues Are Banking on Proof of Vaccines or Negative Tests to Woo Back Fans

Two days before hosting an outdoor Wilco concert, the St. Louis Music Park announced it would require proof of vaccination or a negative covid test for all ticket holders, sending some attendees scrambling and upending plans. Concertgoers, promoters and venues nationwide are all having to pivot quickly to find safer ways of enjoying live music amid the pandemic’s delta surge.

COVID hospitalizations at highest level since January: 12 stats to know

Read the full post on Becker's Hospital Review – Healthcare News

Oregon enacts strict mask mandates amid 990% jump in COVID-19 hospitalizations

Read the full post on Becker's Hospital Review – Healthcare News

Democrats Say Abortion Is on the Line in Recall Election. But Rolling Back Rights Wouldn’t Be Easy.

Reproductive rights groups and Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom argue that Californians’ access to abortion would be threatened if he is recalled. But a replacement governor’s power to restrict access to the procedure would be limited.