Category: Public Health

How Intermountain connects COVID-19 patients to antibody treatments within 2 days of a positive test

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Spring break trips to Florida could spread variants, experts warn 

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Biden to states: Open vaccine eligibility to all adults by May — 5 speech takeaways

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Did CDC Delays in Up-To-Date Masking Advice Cost Health Workers’ Lives?

Researchers say “very low”-quality research from the 2003 SARS outbreak drove guidelines on who got the best PPE, leaving those most at risk exposed.

To Extract More Doses per Vial, Vaccinators Put Squeeze on FDA to Relax Vaccine Handling Advice

Although vaccine supply is ramping up, the supply gap puts pressure on vaccinating teams to extract every drop they can. Some are asking the FDA to waive guidance against extracting vaccine from two vials with the same needle. It’s worth a shot.

mRNA vaccines effective at reducing asymptomatic infection risk, Mayo Clinic research finds

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COVID-19 pandemic disrupted access to birth control for millions of women, UN estimates

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March 11, 2020: A look at how the COVID-19 pandemic evolved in the US

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Meet the Retired Nurse Who Could Give Covid Shots But Couldn’t Get One

She followed up on every possible avenue that would allow her to register for a vaccination appointment. Ultimately, it took a 40-minute drive and someone else’s cancellation to make it happen.

In a Year of Zoom Memorials, Art Exhibit Makes Space for Grief

After his father died, artist Taiji Terasaki created a ritual to memorialize him. Now, Terasaki honors front-line health care workers who succumbed to covid with an exhibit inspired by “Lost on the Frontline,” the investigation by KHN and The Guardian.