Category: Public Health

Online Coronavirus Tests Are Just The Latest Iffy Products Marketed To Anxious Consumers

Americans are worried about the novel coronavirus, so they are turning to the internet for solutions to stem their fears. Buyer, beware. It could be dangerous.

Should You Bring Mom Home From Assisted Living During The Pandemic?

Families are weighing the challenges of providing home care with the isolation or potential danger of leaving folks in senior housing or long-term care.

More Than 5,000 Surgery Centers Can Now Serve As Makeshift Hospitals During COVID-19 Crisis

Under pressure, the federal government announced it will let surgery centers, hotels and even college dorms serve as hospitals to treat an overflow of patients.

WHO publishes resources for managing healthcare services amid pandemic

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Some drugs show promise against COVID-19, WHO says

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Private, public New York hospitals to fight coronavirus as one system, governor says

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Pandemic will overwhelm Louisiana health system by April, governor says

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Already Taxed Health Care Workers Not ‘Immune’ From Layoffs And Less Pay

Revenue is way down for primary care, specialty physicians and some hospitals as patients avoid non-urgent visits. Practices small and large are doling out layoffs and furloughs to staff.

Navy ships arrive in New York, California + 24 other updates from the hardest-hit states

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200,000 Americans could die from COVID-19; Trump extends social distancing guidelines and 8 other updates

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