Category: Residency

If a program doesn’t care for fellows, could a union?

In my self-righteous youth, I bristled at the thought of physicians unionizing. Certain our collective altruism and professionalism would prevail. Unions were for oppressed laborers, not well-regarded, well-paid professionals. Reading the recent paper …

Activism is a part of medicine and we cannot remain neutral [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! “Nowadays, even scientific fact has been politicized. Even though many of us may wish to stay out of politics and stick to our “nobler” lane of medicine, the reality is even your clin…

It’s time to retake the call room

For years, residents have tried valiantly to extract themselves from the hospital by physically moving out of the premises or reducing duty hours. Now it may be time to return. Rents are rising, and in the major metropolitan areas where most residencie…

9 ways international medical graduates can boost their residency match outcomes

International medical school graduates (IMGs) play an integral role in the health care system of the United States and constitute approximately one-quarter of the physician workforce. In 2022, fewer IMGs registered for Match than in 2021, with a match …

Who even reads personal statements?

The following article is satire. We’re again approaching that time of year for medical students: ERAS application season. As students whimper and wonder if they’re making the right career choice, as they set their dreams on a specialty but …

Who even reads personal statements?

The following article is satire. We’re again approaching that time of year for medical students: ERAS application season. As students whimper and wonder if they’re making the right career choice, as they set their dreams on a specialty but …

What makes up the ideal residency program for you?

As we continue through the summer months, medical students are putting the finishing touches on their elective rotations for their fourth year. These rotations, also known as audition rotations or sub-internships, enable students to “showcase&#82…

What no one tells you about being a new doctor

We’ve all heard the tired cliché about July being the most dangerous time of the year to go to a hospital. All new interns — freshly minted doctors straight out of medical school — are on the loose. And you better watch out, the tale goes. That&#…

Activism is a part of medicine and we cannot remain neutral

From a new attending and the former resident and fellow physician union president, congratulations on starting your residency! You’ve dedicated decades of your life to medicine, and your years of studying and extracurricular achievement have brou…

Top 10 things new interns should do

New resident physicians who have earned their MD degrees will be heading to hospitals to start their residencies during the last two week in June and the first week in July. What can a beginning doctor do during the first month of internship to get his…