Category: ROOT

Where healthcare tech salaries rank in 2023

Healthcare is the sixth-fastest growing industry for tech pay, according to the 2023 tech salary report from career website

El Camino Health enjoys upgrade on strong cash metrics and operations: Moody's

Mountain View, Calif.-based El Camino Health has been upgraded on some of its bonds as it enjoys “superlative cash metrics and operating performance,” Moody’s said March 8.

How Integris Health boosted advanced care planning documentation

Around two-thirds of U.S. adults have not documented end-of-life medical care directives, but a new case study has found that Integris Health was successful in boosting documentation by 20 percentage points for patients over 65.

FDA: Mammography facilities must notify patients about breast density

A new policy from the FDA requires mammography facilities to inform patients about their breast density in addition to their results.

Alabama turns toward freestanding ERs as rural hospitals struggle to remain viable

Two new freestanding emergency rooms are coming to communities in Huntsville, Ala., and Decatur, Ala., as rural areas in the state turn toward freestanding emergency rooms, reported March 9.

HCA names chief medical officer of Gulf Coast division

Andrew Moore, MD, has been named chief medical officer of HCA Healthcare’s Gulf Coast Division in Houston. 

New Jersey disciplines 46 nurses tied to degree sham

Forty-six nurses implicated in the fraudulent degree scandal have been ordered to stop practicing in New Jersey, Attorney General Matthew Platkin said March 9.

Shortage of 88% of local anesthetics sees another delay

The ongoing shortage of local anesthetics, including bupivacaine and lidocaine solutions, has been extended, drugmakers told the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. 

Biden's $6.8T budget: 15 healthcare takeaways

President Joe Biden proposed a $6.8 trillion budget March 9, and it includes several healthcare initiatives, including plans to extend Medicare’s solvency by 25 years and making COVID-era ACA subsidies permanent. 

3 ways reimbursement challenges put a strain on physicians

The effects of low reimbursement rates for procedures performed in ASCs continue to be a source of ongoing stress for physicians.