Ransomware attacks on healthcare have resulted in downtime-related losses of more than $77 billion for the U.S. economy, according to an Oct. 23 report from cybersecurity firm Comparitech.
Three Rivers (Mich.) Health said it will use some of the grant money it received from the state to pay for its EHR system, Basin Republican Rustler reported Oct. 26.
An anonymous donor has gifted $11.1 million to Yale School of Nursing in New Haven, Conn., marking the single largest donation in the school’s history. The university has committed to match the gift, according to an Oct. 25 news release.
Healthcare facilities that use NextGen HealthCare’s open-source data integration tool Mirth Connect have been urged to apply updates due to a flaw that could be exploited and compromise data, SC Media reported Oct. 26.
Hospitals and health systems across the nation are among thousands of healthcare facilities participating in the Drug Enforcement Agency’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on Oct. 28.
Community Hospital for the Monterey Peninsula and its parent company, Montage Health, may file for a new trial after losing a $9.475 million wrongful termination case, Monterey County Weekly reported Oct. 26.
Rising expenses at Duluth, Minn.-based Essentia Health caused the health system to just about break even in fiscal 2023 even as revenues rose to $2.8 billion.