Category: Tech

Why health care careers are essential in the age of AI: Encouraging our children to pursue the irreplaceable human touch

The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have left many parents questioning the best career paths for their children in a world increasingly influenced by automation. One field that continues to be indispensable, despite AI’s growin…

The hidden impact of health tech: How to regain control and prioritize patient care

Usually, patients remain unaware of the demands health care technology makes on the time and attention of physicians. The patient may sense the doctor is always rushing and perhaps not spending as much time with them as they would like, but they don’t …

The crystal ball of cinema: How movies predict the future of technology

The world of cinema has always been a platform for creative minds to explore and express ideas about the future. Movies, especially those in the science fiction genre, have a unique ability to inspire innovation and predict future technologies. The int…

I’m a medical oncologist. Here’s why AI isn’t going to cure cancer.

As a cancer physician, the amount of data I obtain on my patients is ever-increasing, along with options for cancer therapies. This is, as the saying goes, a good problem to have, but the amount of data management oncologists must do after hours (becau…

AI and health care: the elephant in the board room

In recent years, the health care industry has undergone a significant transformation, and one of the main drivers behind this change is artificial intelligence (AI). As the adoption of AI continues to accelerate, it is becoming a topic that cannot be i…

ChatGPT: the Napster of the AI world?

The rise of the digital age brought with it various breakthroughs that have fundamentally changed the way we live and interact with technology. Among these breakthroughs are Napster and ChatGPT, two innovative technologies that potentially transform in…

Tackling the health care crisis with artificial intelligence: Combating physician and nursing shortages in the United States

The United States is grappling with a significant health care crisis as physician and nursing shortages impact the nation’s ability to provide adequate care to an aging population. A combination of factors contributes to these shortages, with con…

The future of education: AI empowerment, YouTube college credits, and the impact on traditional colleges

The education landscape is rapidly changing as technological advancements, and artificial intelligence (AI) are increasingly integrated into learning environments. One of the most exciting aspects of this shift is the potential for AI to revolutionize …

The pros and cons of using ChatGPT for your health care needs

Whenever you’re feeling sick, most people will tell you not to Google your symptoms or try to self-diagnose: That’s the quickest way to spiral into panic mode. Reading a list of possible diseases you didn’t even know existed but now a…

The pros and cons of using ChatGPT for your health care needs

Whenever you’re feeling sick, most people will tell you not to Google your symptoms or try to self-diagnose: That’s the quickest way to spiral into panic mode. Reading a list of possible diseases you didn’t even know existed but now a…