Category: Tech

How accelerated learning platforms are pushing surgical education forward

Surgical training has long been confined to traditional models of Halstedian apprenticeship, where trainees are guided—but also potentially limited—by their superiors. Within this dynamic, the transfer of knowledge from expert to learner is dependent o…

The most valuable health care companies of tomorrow will be technology companies

I’ve always been curious about the top 0.1 percent. Their mindsets, backgrounds, upbringing, perceptions, skills, and behavioral traits that got them there. After living through the Dot-com bubble, 9/11, Enron-WorldCom, the 2008 financial crisis,…

Medical innovation: a serendipitous step toward gender equity

There has never been a better time to be a woman entrepreneur. With ever-growing numbers of venture funds specifically for women and nonprofits dedicated to advancing women in tech, the next Apple is ripe for the picking. However, there remains a wide …

Design thinking in health care: Physicians already have the training to be innovators

Compared to the Silicon Valley world of moving fast and breaking things, health care change often happens slowly. Some of the reasons for the inertia of our industry make sense. Change impacting patients requires a vetting process to ensure we are crea…

The focus of the internet of things (IoT) must pivot to achieve health care potential

In many ways, internet of things (IoT) is a double-edged sword: connected devices are capturing huge volumes and varieties of data that can be mined for everything from potentially life-saving health care information to guidance toward peak athletic pe…

What to do when doctors develop “portal hypertension”

This article is satire. Physicians today face yet another epidemic that affects doctors directly and is not caused by a virus. It is the result of the “patient portal” through which patients send typed messages directly to their physicians….

Is Elon Musk right about the future of medicine?

“Mark my words. AI (artificial intelligence) is more dangerous than the nukes.” – Elon Musk. The other day, as soon as I walked in to work, already running my usual ten minutes late, I was hustling from my office to the clinic when I …

Why expand telemedicine for arthritis patients?

One in four Americans carry a diagnosis of arthritis, a significant cause of limitation from basic life activities to disability. One in ten adults has to limit their activities due to pain caused by this disease. Yet, a massive shortage of specialist …

Amazon vs. Apple: Only one will rewrite the rules of health care

Big Tech has had a surprisingly small impact on U.S. health care, so far. Artificial intelligence, for example, outperforms physicians in many complex tasks (like reading mammograms and analyzing chest X-rays), yet AI remains woefully underused. Meanwh…

Is your smartwatch smart about your health?

Your smartwatch talks a lot but may not say as much as you believe with regard to health. Constant data collection from wearables claims to improve medicine at large. Is the “quantified self” the next evolution or a gimmick for patients? Im…