Doctors are conditioned to deny

13 years ago a colleague of mine did a labiaplasty on my 18-year-old daughter for medical reasons. What was supposed to be routine has become a nightmare for her.  Not only did he remove all of her labia minora, but he also denervated her clitoris. When he saw her post-op, he told her she was fine, maybe a little “atrophied.”  Because of this obfuscation, years went by before she really understood how damaged she was. By then, the statute of limitations had lapsed and she had no recourse.

Still seeking closure on this disaster, my daughter recently went to one of his peers who confirmed the extent of her injury and even called the initial OB/GYN to let him know what he had done. Despite this evidence, he refuses to admit he caused it. In the most pathetic of excuses, he proposed to me that she either had additional surgery or mutilated herself. How does a physician get this deep into denial?

This doctor is a leading OB/GYN in the state and universally respected. Certainly, he has helped thousands of women and children. So why can’t he admit he has made such a serious mistake?

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