Alison Escalante, Contributor

Author's posts

Real Men Don’t Sleep: Research Finds This Masculine Stereotype Hurts Men

Researchers have found that getting less sleep is perceived as manly, even though sleep loss harms men’s health.

Why Speaking English May Spread More Coronavirus Than Other Languages

New research suggests that English speakers put more droplets into the air when they talk, which may make them more likely to spread COVID-19.

Researchers Doubt That Certain Mental Disorders Are Disorders At All

What if mental disorders like anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder aren’t mental disorders at all?

Research Finds Social Media Users Are More Likely To Believe Fake News

A new study finds that whether people believe misinformation depends on where they get their news.

Crises Like The Pandemic Don’t Make People Less Optimistic

One of the most startling things about people is the way they always think things are going to get better, according to research.

Too Little Too Late: How We Make Decisions When Coronavirus Surges Happen 3 Weeks Later

It is hard for the human brain to process a scenario where the consequences of our actions happen three to four weeks later. Yet that’s exactly what we have to do with coronavirus.

People Who Aren’t Wearing Masks Don’t Understand How Coronavirus Spreads

New research shows that when people misunderstand the math about how coronavirus spreads, they don’t see the point of social distancing.

Despite Warnings, Social Distancing Does Not Make Us Lonely

For months we’ve read warnings that the coronavirus pandemic could make us lonely. But a new study finds that people actually felt more social support.

83% Of Patients Had Fewer Migraine Headaches After Doing Therapy

A new study in the journal Headache found that 83% of patients who completed a short course of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) had fewer migraine headaches.

How To Give The Perfect Hug, According To Science.

At a time in history when we could all use a good hug, researchers have just advanced the science of the ideal snuggle.