Allison Gasparini, Contributor

Author's posts

Time Spent Talking, Not Just Physical Distance, Plays Role In Covid-19 Spread Researchers Say

By assessing the physics of how saliva droplets form and spray while a person speaks, researchers have shown the words we say play a role in how many droplets we spread — and how far they go.

New Technology Can Improve Tsetse Fly Traps And Help Prevent Sleeping Sickness Outbreaks

A new paper details the development of an inexpensive “yeast brew” which produces chemical compounds that attract the tsetse into traps and can be easily produced locally in the Sub-saharan rural communities most affected by sleeping sickness.

This New Method To Stabilize Vaccines Without Refrigerators Could Help Slow Global Epidemics

The proteins within vaccines will begin to degrade in room temperature. When the proteins degrade, the vaccine loses its ability to immunize a patient. A new paper shows how a method called “ensilication” poses a solution to the problem.

New Research Shows Electroceutical Fabric Eradicates Coronavirus Infectivity On Contact

There’s a risk that a person removing their face mask could touch viral particles latched onto the outside and further spread the coronavirus. A study by scientists from Indiana University suggests a fabric which eradicates the infectivity of viruses o…

These Are The Best Fabrics To Use For Your Cloth Masks, According To Researchers

When it comes to filtering out airborne particles, not all fabrics were created equal. New research suggests a combination of cotton with natural silk or chiffon makes for the most effective mask.