Carlton Reid, Senior Contributor

Author's posts

The Car Is Like A Virus, Says Urban Planner But This Is One Pandemic That Politicians Can Prevent

British motorists are to be pandered to with fast roads between cities but, according to Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, they will then be prevented from entering cities with their motor cars.

Install Pop-Up Cycleways, NHS Bosses Urge U.K. Councils

NHS CEOs call for more pop-up cycleways and widened sidewalks to aid key workers getting to and from work.

Travel ‘Under Own Steam’ Urges U.K. Transport Secretary Ahead Of Pop-Up Cycleways Funding Plan

U. K. transport secretary Grant Shapps could announce emergency funding to enable local authorities to pay for “pop-up” cycling and walking infrastructure to enable physical distancing during lockdown.

Au Revoir Les Automobiles: Paris Closes Rue De Rivoli To Cars

Paris is to close one of the city’s principal streets to cars to allow more space for cyclists and pedestrians during the lockdown.