Carrie Rubinstein, Contributor

Author's posts

Disparities In Clinical Studies Spawn New Opportunities For Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico To Leverage New FDA Guidelines And Promote New Leadership In Healthcare

Apparently Getting Smarter Makes Us Healthier: AI And Data Analysis Revolutionize Healthcare

Harnessing AI and Big Data To Improve Global Healthcare

Small-Big Data: A Healthcare Revolution In The Making

It’s not a new concept, but the growing realization is that the collection and analysis of data will dramatically improve patient outcomes. Finally, a unique source of data makes it possible

Millions May Soon Breath Better: A New Technology May Do Away With ECMO Machines

The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the disadvantages of Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (MV) like the ECMO, which is associated with considerable medical risks and complications. A New Technology May Eliminate The Need For these Machines

Just In Time For The Holidays: The Innovation Of Hope

It’s rather uncommon to understand “hope” as an innovative concept, yet it might be precisely what the health system so desperately needs. A new platform is aiming to provide new tools to patients and doctors

A Test Affecting Every Man’s Life Will Soon Be On The Market

One in nine men in the U.S. is diagnosed with prostate cancer. Given that this cancer is entirely treatable if detected early, so many are still reluctant to get tested. A new test might be the game-changer

See The Light: A Special System Allows Businesses To Reopen Safely

In the Middle East, ultraviolet lights are already being used without disrupting regular activities