<span itemprop="author">Cindy Tsai, MD

Author's posts

Are these 6 habits making you unhappy?

We all know that life has its ups and downs. And sometimes life gets really messy — and there are days and times that really suck! (No toxic positivity here.) But we’re all just trying our best with what we have at that moment in time. (Don&#8217…

Don’t make this mistake with gratitude

We hear it all the time. Practice gratitude. Be thankful for what you have. The evidence is clear. Being grateful does offer numerous scientifically proven benefits. It makes sense why gratitude is good for you, from improved relationships to decreased…

Perfectionism is a myth: Are you ready to hear the truths about perfectionism?

Are you a perfectionist? Did you know that perfectionists are actually some of the biggest procrastinators? Yes, really. In theory, perfectionism sounds like a good thing. Who doesn’t want to do and be their best? It can even seem like a harmless…