David Hilzenrath

Author's posts

How the FDA Lets Chemicals Pour Into America’s Food Supply

The FDA has relied on food companies for decades to determine whether their ingredients are safe. Some chemicals and additives are tied to health risks while others are absent from product labels.

Poppy Seed Brew Triggers Morphine Overdose, Drawing Attention of Lawmakers

Poppy seeds contaminated with opioids can be used to make a deadly brew, a watchdog says.

The FDA Calls Them ‘Recalls,’ Yet the Targeted Medical Devices Often Remain in Use

With medical devices, recalls are not always what they seem. In some recalls, including some of the most serious, the FDA and the manufacturers let doctors and hospitals continue to use the devices.

After Grilling an NIH Scientist Over Covid Emails, Congress Turns to Anthony Fauci

In a trove of emails brought to light through a congressional probe, a former close adviser to longtime National Institutes of Health official Anthony Fauci spoke of hiding messages from public disclosure.

VIP Health System for Top US Officials Risked Jeopardizing Care for Soldiers

The historically troubled White House Medical Unit is just one part of a government health system that gives VIP care to top officials, military officers, military retirees, and families. Pentagon investigators say some were prioritized over rank-and-file soldiers.

Legal Pot Is More Potent Than Ever — And Still Largely Unregulated

As marijuana has become far more mainstream, potent, and sometimes dangerous, uneven regulation at the state and federal levels leaves consumers at risk.