<span itemprop="author">Dr. Farees Ahmad Khan & Dr. Sarah Alnaher

Author's posts

How lifestyle medicine can change your life

You read many articles and watch countless videos online where life coaches offer advice on how to fix your life. This might seem like one of those boring articles. Well—I hope not! Maybe just a little … but stick with me. Today, I want to discus…

How compassionate communities can transform the lives of schizophrenia patients

While working as psychiatrists, we have the pleasure of working very closely with our patients as well as their friends and family. During these interactions, we get to know a lot about their struggles. In this blog, I want to focus on what we as a com…

Mindfulness: Beat the overwhelm and find your focus

Does it sometimes feel like you are a teeny tiny person in a world that is so big, surrounded by giants doing their giant people things? Does it feel like, to keep up, you have to do ten thousand tasks? And somehow, even when you manage to complete tho…

How anxiety can be your biggest competitor and ally in achieving success

Did you ever have a competitor in life who challenged you in every test and every election for a leadership role? If so, today, I would like you to imagine that person and replace them with an emotion that we, as psychiatrists, frequently encounter dur…

Are you storing your medications wrong?

Today, I want to talk about how creative humans are. As physicians, we encounter patients with ideas that amaze us every day and make our lives interesting, to say the least. The best ones are often the elderly, who have years of experience and unique …