Elana Lyn Gross, Forbes Staff

Author's posts

Pelosi Says House Democrats Will Talk About The 25th Amendment Friday

Pelosi would be second in line to the presidency following Vice President Mike Pence.

Report: Trump Required Walter Reed Physicians To Sign NDAs Before Treating Him In 2019

Physicians are already bound to patient physician confidentiality under federal law.

Report: Trump Required Walter Reed Physicians To Sign NDAs Before Treating Him In 2019

Physicians are already bound to patient physician confidentiality under federal law.

Report: 2 Additional Tennessee Titans Test Positive For Covid-19

The Titans will not go back to headquarters on Wednesday.

Report: More Than 120 Capitol Hill Frontline Workers Have Had Covid-19

Unlike lawmakers and staffers, these individuals are unable to work from home.

Surgeon General Adams Reportedly Busted For Violating A Coronavirus Policy

He was in Hawaii helping to handle the outbreak.

Facebook And Twitter Sanction Trump Posts Comparing Covid-19 To Flu

Trump has continued to make the comparison to downplay the virus.

Senate Democrats: Trump ‘Deliberately Withheld’ Information On White House Outbreak To ‘Minimize Public Scrutiny’

They called on the administration to follow all CDC guidelines and to update the public on the contact tracing process.

CDC Acknowledges Airborne Transmission Of Coronavirus After Deleting Guidance

Scientists have said the guidance is crucial because cloth masks can’t protect someone from aerosols.

White House Outbreak Grows: 2 Housekeeping Staffers Test Positive, Told To Use ‘Discretion’ Discussing It

The Trump administration has been criticized for being opaque about the outbreak.