<span itemprop="author">Ellen Poulose Redger, MD

Author's posts

How to find your squad in residency

At nearly every stage in our education and training, we find “our people.”  Maybe it’s your table-mate in kindergarten, or the kid with the really cool light-up sneakers in preschool who becomes your best friend.  Maybe it’s your next-door neighbor who…

The fallacy of work-life balance in medicine

Physician well-being, burnout, and “work-life balance” are pretty common topics in training.  We start at intern orientation, discussing how to work 80 hours a week, eat, sleep, exercise, and still have some semblance of social life.  It’s like we’ve f…

3 lessons this physician learned from her patients

I recently completed my internal medicine residency training.  Three years, thousands of hours, thousands of patients, thousands of decisions.  I certainly learned a lot from the past three years: everything from what “HFrEF” means and how to manage it…