<span itemprop="author">Eve Makoff, MD

Author's posts

The hidden danger of prolonged gaming

A couple of weeks ago, my sister texted me that my 26-year-old nephew Justin was complaining that his chest hurt every time he breathed in. Justin is a healthy, athletic guy who played soccer throughout high school and volleyball in college. More recen…

The comfort of colleagues: a story of love and loss in palliative care

“I just can’t. I can’t,” Wendy sobbed into my hair. We barely made it out the door when our bodies collapsed together, puddles holding puddles. The children, 5 and 7, had just left with their tiny grey backpacks, tiny soldiers o…

Ode to the paper chart

Oh how I miss the feel of your thick spine, so wide I could barely grasp you with my oddly small hands. Wrist cocked, an awkward drag ensued from rack to desk, your heft landing with a thump under fluorescent lights on the laminate desk. I scooted into…

A new kind of metric in medicine

Today, I propose a new kind of metric in medicine. I know. I know. (I hear the uncomfortable clearing of your throats.) On one side of the room: Of course we are human, are we not? On the other: Here we go again, Doctor Touchy-Feely. Let’s get on…