From the staffs of KHN and PolitiFact

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In Tamer Debate, Trump and Biden Clash (Again) on President’s Pandemic Response

Trump claims the U.S. is “rounding the corner” on COVID, while Biden predicts a “dark winter.” On another front, Trump warns Biden’s health care plan will lead to socialized medicine; Biden promises private insurance isn’t going anywhere.

In Debate, Pence and Harris Offer Conflicting Views of Nation’s Reality

During this, the first and only vice presidential debate of the 2020 election season, the two candidates clashed over the coronavirus and other health care issues, as well as a range of other topics.

Republican Convention, Day 3: Revisionist History

Vice President Mike Pence officially accepted the Republican Party’s nomination for a second term.

Republican Convention, Day 2: Pomp, the Pandemic and Planned Parenthood

Tuesday night’s speakers offered positive views on President Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic. The first lady and Trump, himself, took advantage of the trappings of the White House in setting the scene.