<span itemprop="author">Gail Gazelle, MD

Author's posts

Toxic work culture in surgery: Can it be fixed?

After destroying a light fixture in the OR and being written up for another episode of disorderly conduct, John was at the end of his wits. His marriage, profession, and self-respect were all on the line, and in the eyes of everyone around him, he was …

Unlocking physician resilience: the mindfulness cure for health care burnout

An excerpt from Mindful MD: 6 Ways Mindfulness Restores Your Autonomy and Cures Healthcare Burnout. For Mira, the inner chatter started when her alarm buzzed at 5:15 a.m.—and it was anything but calm and friendly. When she didn’t get out of bed t…

Physicians in crisis: the battle for autonomy and happiness in a broken system

What’s one of the biggest complaints we physicians have about the current state of our jobs? It’s that we’ve lost our autonomy, that it has been taken from us by a health care system more focused on profits than on the well-being of p…