Author's posts

Spillover effect of the Patient Drive Payment Model on skilled nursing facility therapy delivery among Medicare Advantage enrollees

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 9, Page 1887-1897, September 2023.

State Lawmakers Eye Forced Treatment to Address Overlap in Homelessness and Mental Illness

Democratic politicians in California and Oregon are reconsidering the restrictions of involuntary commitment laws. They argue that not helping people who are seriously ill and living in squalor on the streets is inhumane.

Excess deaths by cause and place of death in England and Wales during the first year of COVID‐19

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 9, Page 1982-2005, September 2023.

Risk aversion and COVID‐19 vaccine hesitancy

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 8, Page 1659-1669, August 2023.

Guidance on the use of complex systems models for economic evaluations of public health interventions

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 7, Page 1603-1625, July 2023.

Using exogenous organizational and regional hospital attributes to explain differences in case‐mix adjusted hospital costs

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 8, Page 1733-1748, August 2023.

Catastrophic health‐care payments and multidimensional poverty: Are they related?

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 8, Page 1689-1709, August 2023.

Is primary health care worth it in the long run? Evidence from Brazil

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 7, Page 1504-1524, July 2023.

The impact of performance‐based financing within local health systems: Evidence from Mozambique

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 7, Page 1525-1549, July 2023.

Cognitive activity at work and the risk of dementia

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 7, Page 1561-1580, July 2023.