Jess Cording, Contributor

Author's posts

What To Donate To The Company Food Drive This Holiday Season

A digestive nutrition expert offers advice on items to donate to food pantries that will be suitable for people with food intolerances and allergies who are also struggling with food insecurity.

Little Life Hacks To Support A Healthy Female Brain

Dr. Lisa Mosconi, the author of The XX Brain, shares her top tips for supporting a healthy female brain.

GEM Founder Sara Cullen On Fostering A Positive Mindset Around Wellness

Frustrated by a lack of suitable supplement options to meet her dietary needs, GEM founder Sara Cullen decided to create her own—and along with it, a community to empower and inspire women on their health journey.

How This Entrepreneur’s Sleep Struggle Inspired A Game-Changing Product

Kathrin Hamm, founder of weighted bedding company Bearaby, shares how her quest to solve her own sleep struggles led to a game-changing product that’s helping people all over the world sleep better.