Joshua Cohen, Contributor

Author's posts

Inflation Reduction Act Drug Pricing Provisions Aren’t At All Like Price Controls In Europe

The Inflation Reduction Act’s drug pricing provisions aren’t at all like price controls in Europe. They’re not nearly as comprehensive or draconian. And, they’re not universal, that is, they don’t apply to the commercial market.

FDA’s Push To Reclassify The Opioid Reversal Agent Naloxone As An OTC Product Needs To Show More Urgency

The FDA’s push to reclassify naloxone as an OTC product appears tepid and plodding. At a time when the nation is enduring a severe public health emergency – with record numbers of (illicit) opioid overdose-related deaths – it’s crucial that naloxone be…

Gantenerumab’s Phase 3 Flop Means Lecanemab Emerges As Favorite In Antibody Class Targeting Amyloid Plaque In Alzheimer’s Patients

Gantenerumab’s flop in Phase 3 means that lecanemab emerges as the preliminary favorite in the antibody class of biologics targeting beta-amyloid plaque in Alzheimer’s Disease patients. But, several key market access challenges lie ahead for the Alzhei…

EQRx No Longer Seeks To Disrupt Prices In Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Space

The biotechnology company EQRx no longer seeks to disrupt prices in the non-small cell lung cancer space. This is disappointing news for those who had hoped for lower prices in a therapeutic category that, for the most part, has been sorely lacking rea…

Even If GOP Wins Majorities In House And Senate, Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Pricing Provisions Won’t Be Repealed Any Time Soon (Or Ever)

Even if Republicans gain majorities in the House and Senate in today’s midterms, the Inflation Reduction Act will not be repealed any time soon. In fact, it’s unlikely the Act will ever be fully reversed.

Fentanyl Is The Biggest Public Health Problem Currently Facing The U.S.: Federal, State, And Local Governments Aren’t Doing Enough To Combat It

While the U.S. has been battling the Covid-19 pandemic it’s gotten lost in the shuffle that the nation endured record numbers of drug overdose-related deaths. Illicit fentanyl is the primary culprit. Federal, state, and local governments aren’t doing e…

Non-Opioid Treatment Alternatives For Pain Face Clinical Development And Reimbursement Challenges

Yesterday’s revised CDC guidelines on prescribing opioids include recommendations that doctors “optimize the use of non-opioid therapies,” and “consider opioids for pain only if benefits outweigh risks.” However, non-opioid pain treatments face conside…

Medicare’s Value-Based Insurance Design Pilot Could Pave Way For Broader Implementation

Value-Based-Insurance-Design refers to health insurers’ efforts to structure patient cost-sharing in such a way as to encourage enrollees to use drugs and services that are most valuable to them. The Medicare Advantage plan pilot could trigger a reviva…

Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids Are Now Available: Though Helpful, It’s Not Exactly What The Doctor Ordered

Undoubtedly, the policy change will improve access and lower costs for millions of Americans with mild to moderate hearing loss. While the new policy eases access for some, OTC hearing aids appear to comprise a rather clunky solution to a major problem.

Pfizer Will Raise The Price Of Its Covid-19 Vaccine Almost Fourfold – Reveals Unique Feature Of U.S. Healthcare Pricing

Pfizer plans to charge $110 to $130 for its Covid-19 vaccine dose, almost quadrupling the current price, once the federal government relinquishes its role as dominant purchaser. Evidently, part of this transition consists of raising prices to further b…