Joshua Cohen, Contributor

Author's posts

Where Does The Trump Administration Stand On Herd Immunity?

Secretary Azar testified before Congress that “herd immunity is not the strategy of the U.S. government.”
Yet, frequently the Trump Administration’s rhetoric tells a different story. The Administration’s recent actions on the ground belie its claims of…

Some Public Health Officials Continue To Question Effectiveness Of Masks In Preventing Coronavirus Transmission

Jaap van Dissel, Director of the Dutch National Institute of Public Health, remains defiant on the lack of efficacy of non-medical masks. But, there’s mounting evidence in favor of masks, not as a panacea, but as a preventive tool, alongside physical d…

President Trump Has Consistently Undermined White House Coronavirus Task Force

Words matter, especially when spoken from the presidential podium. Perpetually conveying inaccurate or inconsistent messages to the American people undermines the Coronavirus Task Force that had been formed to respond to the crisis.

Supreme Court Decision On ACA May Threaten Protections For Those With Pre-Existing Conditions

If Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed by the Senate. this could pave the way for the Court to side with lower court rulings and overturn the ACA, as it would add another conservative justice to the Court. Presumably, some say, conservative justices would f…

AstraZeneca Restarts Phase 3 Trial Of Covid-19 Vaccine In U.K.: Multiple Challenges Remain

While progress has been breathtakingly fast, approval, manufacturing, distribution, and uptake of Covid-19 vaccines will face challenges that can’t necessarily be overcome in a matter of a few months. It’s prudent to temper raised expectations and adop…

Trump’s Executive Order On Medicare Drug Pricing Strikingly Similar To Pelosi’s H.R. 3 Bill

There’s barely any space between Trump, Biden, and Pelosi on prescription drug pricing. Biden’s ideas on drug pricing encompass the pricing objectives and means to achieve these goals, as outlined in the H.R. 3 bill and Trump’s executive order. This in…

Mounting Evidence Of Persistent Symptoms In Covid-19 `Long-Haulers’

There’s mounting evidence for serious long-term effects from Covid-19 for a growing number of patients. Additionally, even mildly ill or asymptomatic carriers of the novel coronavirus may exhibit impacts of Covid-19 in different organs, including the h…

Politicizing Safety Of The Abortion Pill Mifeprex

Politics has gotten in the way of the two sides having factual discussions concerning an assessment of Mifeprex’s safety, a consideration of pregnancy as an illness, an evaluation of maternal mortality in the U.S., and an analysis of whether Mifeprex’s…

Trump Reneges On Promise To Produce “Phenomenal” Replacement For Obamacare

While Trump has reneged on his promise to produce a replacement for Obamacare, his Administration has worked within the confines of the ACA to reform certain parts, deregulate others, and offer a number of innovative approaches towards establishing val…

Multiple U.S. Decision-Making Entities Complicate Task Of Allocating Coronavirus Vaccines

With different entities involved in coronavirus vaccine allocation, there may be confusion as to who will make the final decisions and on what basis. Besides the need to carefully coordinate decisions, it’s essential that non-arbitrary medical criteria…