Judy Stone, Senior Contributor

Author's posts

Public Trust In Covid-19 Vaccines Is Being Eroded By Politics

A new Pew Research Center survey shows the public trust in vaccines has plummeted since May.

Politics Around The CDC And FDA Is Eroding Trust In Their Covid-19 Recommendations

Having eroded faith in the CDC and FDA through political interference, trust in agency’s Covid-19 recommendations and a future vaccine is plummeting.

Rural Communities Needlessly Risk Covid-19 From Prisons

Careless transfers of Covid-19 infected prisoners poses an unnecessary risk to rural communities.

Mouthwashes Are A Cheap Tool In The Fight Against Coronavirus

Mouthwashes and gargling look promising for cutting the virus load in the throat. Why aren’t we studying this urgently?

What Do Coronavirus And Lyme Disease Have In Common? More Than You Might Think

Lyme and Covid-19 are replacing syphilis as the great masquerader. They share many puzzling symptoms and are all easily missed.

#BumpDay Highlights Coronavirus And Racial Disparities In Pregnancy

Today is #BumpDay, a campaign to highlight the need for better, more accessible maternal healthcare. Today’s focus is on racial disparities and Covid-19.

US Buys World Supply Of Remdesivir For Coronavirus- What Does That Mean For Public Health And Our Future?

HHS said they have staked claim to 100 percent of Gilead’s remdesivir production for July, and 90 percent in August and September. Here’s how that may haunt us.

Tear Gas And Pepper Spray Can Maim, Kill And Spread Coronavirus

Despite denials from AG Barr, pepper spray and tear gas are dangerous chemicals being used against protesters. They will likely worsen the coronavirus epidemic.

ICE Is Fueling Coronavirus Outbreaks, Ignoring CDC Guidelines

ICE again flouts public health recommendations, driving COVID-19 outbreaks and causing needless deaths.

A Stairway To Heaven? Reopening Churches And Coronavirus

Singing in choirs and large church gatherings are good ways to fuel coronavirus. Here’s how.