<span itemprop="author">Julie Craig, MD

Author's posts

The real story of Xylazine contamination in street fentanyl and how we can manage it

Have you heard the news? “Flesh-eating ‘zombie’ drug ‘kills you from the inside out,’” headlines a CNN article. “Tacoma market busted for selling ‘zombie’ drug,” barks out a Seattle-area news affili…

Telemedicine in the opioid crisis: a game-changer threatened by DEA regulations

In March 2020, I was directing a federally qualified health center in rural New Mexico when the first flashover of COVID ripped through the state. In two days, the clinics transitioned from an entirely in-person model to a near-total remote model. The …

The promises and limits of a fentanyl vaccine

“Fentanyl Vaccine a Potential ‘Game Changer’ for Opioid Crisis,” declares a Medscape headline. “Fentanyl Vaccine Delivers Promising Results in Trial,” reports an industry website. “A Vaccine Against Deadly Fent…

We must disrupt harm

In the mid-1980s, with the AIDS epidemic on the horizon, austere conservative Margaret Thatcher sanctioned the first needle exchanges in the U.K. to prevent the budgetary burden that HIV might otherwise have become on the National Health Service. Nearl…