<span itemprop="author">Kristin Yates, DO

Author's posts

How physicians can transform through play

I went ziplining with a group of fellow doctors this summer. It was an activity that was part of my Adventure Retreat for Women Physicians, which was a CME-awarding retreat that focused on having fun. This may sound extraneous, but making time for fun …

Don’t call me “doctor”

“Hi, my name is Kristin Yates, and I am the OB/GYN doctor.” This is how I greet most patients for the first time. It has never really felt natural to introduce myself as “Dr. Yates,” even now that I have been an attending physician for more than five y…

Coping with fear as a physician during a pandemic

Throughout my years as a physician, I have had an abundance of moments of fear. Typically, this fear has been related to concern for my patients. A fetal bradycardia requiring an emergency Cesarean section, a postpartum woman hemorrhaging despite all f…

Burnout prevention should be taught in residency

I was not at all prepared for my transition from being a resident to an attending. Now that there are work hour restrictions and constant oversight during training, graduating residents seldom get a preview of what it feels like to be at the top of the…