<span itemprop="author">Lala Tanmoy Das

Author's posts

Synthetic blood substitute research advances rapidly

Shortages of the vital fluid during the pandemic have given urgency to finding alternatives.

Eating disorders are exploding, hurting adolescents who have trouble finding care

A medical student rotating in the psychiatric ER witnesses the consequences — self-injurious behaviors and increasing suicidal ideation.

Children’s firearms injuries jumped during the pandemic last year, study says

Nearly 800 firearm-related hospital visits occurred in the first six months of the covid-19 outbreak, researchers say, up from a median of 570 visits in the preceding three years.

Cause unknown: the burden of diagnosis

Around three weeks ago, my 72-year-old patient, Mr. J., woke up feeling severely short of breath. He felt unusually tired, noticed a dry cough, and felt achy in his arms and legs. Suspicious of COVID-19, he and his wife called an ambulance and went to …