<span itemprop="author">Michael R. McGuire

Author's posts

Selectively sharing genetic information in the future

Communicating with relatives that they may share a gene variant that could cause disease is problematic. Maybe you do not want to share that information with other relatives. Maybe other relatives do not want to know about such information. Examples of…

Medication management and how consultant pharmacists can help

Management of medications is sometimes handled sub-optimally, at least in the United States. At the extreme, physicians who prescribe multiple medications prescribe some medications that treat the side effects of other medications. This could be consid…

The importance of treating early treatment diseases

Today, the practice of medicine mainly involves treating medical conditions after symptoms of the medical condition become obvious (e.g., setting a fracture or treating pneumonia), or preventing disease for a population of patients using a preventative…

A new boon for Big Data and patient care

Big Data in medicine is the data analysis of large amounts of patient medical information to improve medical care. Analysis of data may be used to pick the best intervention for a patient based upon care outcomes of similar patients or to evaluate phys…

Virtual organizations in health care

In almost all organizations, an employee has a supervisor responsible for guiding the employee in doing their job. This requires good communication between the two. Currently, in medicine, especially during stays in the hospital, there is a similar rel…

More physician responsibility for patient care

Medicine today is single encounter-oriented, with the patient medical record structured to support one encounter at a time, where an encounter is either a single outpatient visit or an inpatient stay. The problem with this single encounter orientation …