<span itemprop="author">Miles J. Varn, MD

Author's posts

Why sharing your complete medical history with your clinicians is important

It’s your first visit to a cardiologist because you’ve had occasional episodes of an irregular heartbeat. As you fill out your pre-appointment paperwork, you carefully list the symptoms you’re experiencing and the treatments your prim…

Managing key risk factors may lower your dementia risk

Close to 6 million adults in the U.S. are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related form of dementia, according to CDC data. And that number will grow as the U.S. population ages. The number of people with Alzheimer’s and relat…

Caregiver? Learn how to support older relatives at doctor’s appointments.

As a caregiver or support person for an older parent, partner, or relative, you may be involved in helping that person with medical appointments, perhaps even helping them manage care from several different health care providers. There are a number of …

Endometriosis is often misdiagnosed. How to get the right diagnosis.

The six to ten percent of women in the U.S. who are living with endometriosis have to deal with not only the pain and complications the disease causes, but often also with exceptionally long delays before receiving a diagnosis—an average of 8.5 years f…