<span itemprop="author">Nida Zakiullah, MD

Author's posts

From advocate to adversary: How COVID-19 has changed the doctor-patient relationship

Ask any physician how they are doing today, and you’ll probably hear some version of frustrated, tired, and sad. It’s not the lump-in-your-throat type sadness. It’s that my-mind-and-soul-are-tired sadness. The feeling you have when al…

Can we separate Donald Trump, the patient, from Donald Trump, the politician?

When the president of the United States contracts a dangerous disease, the story is big news. When the same disease has taken the lives of 200,000 people and the same president has been under fire for grossly mishandling the response, the tale takes on…

The virus takes and it takes. Physicians give and they give.

A lifetime ago, when we first heard of a novel virus making the rounds in China, I was added to several physician groups on Facebook. The discussion surrounding the virus was academic; the distance made it easy to be objective, speculation on how sever…