<span itemprop="author">Peggy A. Rothbaum, PhD

Author's posts

Trying to bury trauma does not work

Rationale: Sometimes it helps to talk about trauma; sometimes it helps to just listen. Having a safe, supportive, confidential, affirming environment to do both or either is important. Background: I have been offering workshops on “managing stress and …

Yet another injury to our doctors and our health care system

I recently experienced, up close and personal, yet another injury to our doctors and our health care system. I have an undiagnosed, undiagnosable, autoimmune disease. I am rarely, if ever, without any physical symptoms. I have learned about them and ho…

We must care about our doctors. Especially now.

We are all traumatized by the unfathomable devastation caused by the coronavirus. What can we expect as a result of this national and worldwide trauma? The trauma approach uses posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as a frame to understand trauma. PTSD…

Margaret Mead was right about health care

One of my graduate school professors proclaimed that what is wrong with our society is that most people have not reached formal operations or have not been in psychotherapy. Formal operations is the stage of development, described by French researcher …