Rob Asghar, Contributor

Author's posts

Our Leaders Once Thought Globally; The Pandemic Has Made Them Parochial

Many feel we’re in the pandemic’s Act 3, but we’re still in Act 1. Act 2 only begins when borders reopen and variants make their way through nations that tried gamely to eliminate all risk. Act 3 comes when their leaders find better ways to balance ris…

A Test: Can You Make Morally Mature Choices In A Crisis?

Some leaders convince themselves and others that, if they just do the “right” thing, everything will work out in magical fashion. But morally mature leaders know that sometimes there are no win-win scenarios. They must make painful tradeoffs—and live f…

Don’t Be A Hero: Good Leaders Call In Sick In The Coronavirus Era

Coming to work sick had a certain heroic quality to it back in the day. A former mayor gave a talk years ago in which he shared various traits of good leaders. The first one was: “Real leaders never call in sick.”

The commitment is admirable–but the…