Robert Glatter, MD, Contributor

Author's posts

Almost 50% Of Mild Covid-19 Patients Still Have Symptoms 6 Months Later, Study Finds

Close to 50% of people who develop mild Covid-19 may still suffer with persistent symptoms up to 6 months later, based on results of a new study.

Nearly One Third of Covid-19 Survivors Have Symptoms, Some Up To 9 Months Later, New Study Finds

As people with Long Covid come to grips with ongoing symptoms such as fatigue, chest pain, difficulty breathing and brain fog, the ongoing question is when–and if–such symptoms may potentially end.

Study Identifies Seven New Covid-19 Variants in U.S. Carrying ‘677’ Mutation

A new mutation found in seven novel Covid-19 variants has now been identified in the U.S. Its importance in relation to ongoing viral transmission and success of current vaccine formulations is unclear at this time.

U.K. Variant Likely 30-70% Deadlier, New Research Finds

Evidence continues to grow that that the U. K. variant, otherwise known as B.1.1.7, is likely more lethal, and leads to more hospitalizations and cases compared to wild-type strains of the virus, based on data released on a British government website.

Are Covid-Sniffing Dogs The Miami Heat’s New MVPs?

Covid-sniffing dogs may be able to screen large numbers of people at stadiums, airports, and train stations. Preliminary work suggests this approach for viral detection is promising.

Why Are So Many More Young Adults Testing Positive For Covid-19?

New findings from a CDC study conducted from March through December indicate that young adults were most likely to test positive (RT-PCR) for Covid-19, and drive transmission, compared to the summer of 2020.

Life Expectancy In The U.S. Sees Largest Decline In Decades After Covid-19

Covid-19 has left a devastating trail of destruction as over 400,00 Americans have now lost their lives. Based on a recent study, life expectancy dropped by over a year to 77.48 years, the largest single-year decline in life expectancy in at least 40 y…

Full-Dose Blood Thinners Reduced Need For Respiratory Support And Improved Outcomes In Non-ICU Covid-19 Patients, Study Finds

Based on a new NIH report, full-dose anticoagulation was found to be more beneficial compared to lower prophylactic doses in reducing the need for critical lifesaving measures such as mechanical ventilation in moderately ill, non-ICU patients hospitali…

FDA Approves First Monthly Injections To Treat HIV

The FDA yesterday approved a combination of two monthly injections for treatment of HIV in patients with stable disease exhibited by adequate viral suppression, with no prior history of treatment failure.

U.S. Methamphetamine Overdose Deaths Surged Over The Past Decade, Study Finds

Overdose deaths from methamphetamine increased sharply from 2011-2018, based on a recent study in JAMA Psychiatry.