Robert Glatter, MD, Contributor

Author's posts

Cyclospora Outbreak In 7 States Linked To Bagged Salad Mixes: What You Need To Know

The CDC issued an alert today about an outbreak of the parasitic infection, Cyclospora, linked to bagged salad mixes.

Can “Nanosponges” Help Treat Patients With Coronavirus?

Nanosponges, biodegradable polymers created in the laboratory, and 1000 times smaller than the width of a human hair, may hold promise in treating and preventing infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for Covid-19.

Doctors In London Using Mixed-Reality Headsets To Treat Coronavirus Patients, Reducing Need For PPE

Doctors at Imperial College London are now using augmented reality headsets to help reduce the number of persons necessary at the bedside, while at the same time enhancing communication, and ultimately reducing usage of PPE by healthcare providers.

Gowns 4 Good: Your Graduation Gown Repurposed As PPE

Gowns4Good was recently launched by Nathaniel Moore, a physician assistant working in the ER at the University of Vermont, using repurposed graduation gowns for PPE.

Collateral Damage Of Covid-19: More Than 200 International Cancer Trials Suspended

As a result of Covid-19, more than 200 international cancer trials were suspended. The long term effects of this “downtime” are unclear.

This Thyroid Disorder May Be A Marker For Covid-19 Infection

While many people may now be familiar with loss of smell or taste or ”Covid toes” (red and sore toes) as markers of Covid-19 infection, there is now another possible clinical condition to consider: subacute thyroiditis, otherwise referred to as “SAT”.

#HowAreYouReallyChallenge: Truth Telling For Mental Health During Covid-19

The #howareyoureallychallenge, launched by Kennth Cole’s Mental Health Coalition, is a way to share our feelings during Covid-19.

Can Dogs Be Trained To Sniff Out COVID-19 Coronavirus?

Researchers are exploring whether dogs, using their keen sense of smell, can be trained to detect people infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19.

Can Dogs Be Trained To Sniff Out COVID-19 Coronavirus?

Researchers are exploring whether dogs, using their keen sense of smell, can be trained to detect people infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19.

Will I Be Able To See A Dentist Before A Coronavirus Vaccine Is Available?

If you received an email from your dentist in late March explaining that they will only be available for emergency visits, you are not alone. What does this mean going forward for dental care during the coronavirus pandemic?