Sachin H. Jain, Contributor

Author's posts

Have We Overcomplicated The American Physician Burnout Conversation?

Burnout rates among America’s physicians are rising precipitously. The answer isn’t more resilience training. It’s a hard look at how big healthcare organizations and how it makes healthcare professionals feel: invisible.

Luxury Boxes And Public Dollars: Why Healthcare Executives Need To Up Our Ethics Game

The Super Bowl was a popular destination for healthcare executives on their company’s dime last February. Perhaps it shouldn’t have been.

Building And Sustaining A Winning Culture In Healthcare: Lessons Learned From Harvard’s Joel Katz

Last week, Dr. Joel Katz announced that he was stepping down after 21 years leading the Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School internal medicine residency program. His example offers timeless lessons on building and sustaining a high-perf…

When Margin Becomes The Mission: Healthcare’s (Sometimes) Unholy Pursuit Of Profit

No Margin, No Mission. Almost immediately after these words are uttered—everyone seems to nod knowingly in agreement and move on from whatever moral dilemma is being discussed. But what if the mission itself is fundamentally unjust or inadequate—or j…

Lower Insulin Costs? Great. Let’s Also Make Sure Fewer People Need Insulin In The First Place.

During his State of the Union address last month, President Biden called for reducing the cost of insulin, the live-saving drug for diabetics. How’s a good time to also focus on diabetes prevention—and reduce the need for the drug in the first place.

What Is Value-Based Healthcare, Really?

Value-based care has been held out as a panacea for all that ails US healthcare. A closer look reveals that its front-line reality might not be as rosy as we might hope.

The “Great” American Healthcare Labor Arbitrage

The notion of practicing at the “top of your license” is leading to an insidious equivalence being developed in which healthcare professionals are seen as potential substitutes for one another.

What Big Tech Should Actually Do In Healthcare

Let’s stop lionizing big tech’s potential role in healthcare until they do something really meaningful: like buy and transform a health system.

10 Healthcare Lessons You Can’t Afford Not To Learn: The Words And Thoughts Of Leeba Lessin

From 2006 to 2015, Leeba led CareMore, the pre-eminent integrated health plan and provider organization focused on addressing the needs of high-cost, high-need patients. This article features some of the most important lessons she taught about how to c…

Squid Game, Ted Lasso, And Unicorn Fatigue: Top 10 Healthcare Industry Predictions For 2022

Now, I invite you to put your feet up, ignore the soreness in your arm from your booster shot, and enjoy my Top 10 Predictions For The Healthcare Industry In 2022.