Sachin H. Jain, Contributor

Author's posts

Practicing Medicine In The Era Of Private Equity, Venture Capital, And Public Markets

This change in ownership of healthcare delivery firms creates a new operating reality where the previous central tenet of healthcare delivery—doing what is best for the patient—now has a competing imperative: doing what is best for shareholders and inv…

12 Unsettling Lessons Learned Trying To Make Healthcare Better

My personal reflections on what I’ve learned trying to make healthcare better across different sectors of the industry.

The Healthcare Innovation Bubble: Making The Most Of The COVID 19 Crisis

COVID19 is providing that change in US healthcare delivery doesn’t need to be slow. How can we come out of this crisis with a heightened sense of urgency to transform the industry?

Palliative Care: ‘The Secret Weapon Hiding In Plain Sight’

Palliative care is a misunderstood medical specialty. Diane Meier wants to set the record straight.

How Medicare Can Help Address US Homelessness

Health issues are both a cause and effect of US homelessness. A new approach to financing healthcare delivery can help address homelessness.

Addressing Loneliness Begins With Every One Of Us

For many of us, the holiday season evokes warm feelings of togetherness and love. For others, they evoke loneliness and social isolation. The solution begins with every one of us.

When Exercise Is The Best Medicine

Exercise is an important intervention to address medical illness–and loneliness–for senior citizens.

Top 10 Health Care Industry Predictions For The Year 2020

The Top 10 Health Care Industry Predictions For The Year 2020 Are…

The Hidden Power Of Palliative Care

For many patients, palliative care is the best kind of medicine.

Missed Appointments, Missed Opportunities: Tackling The Patient No-Show Problem

When a customer doesn’t show up, it’s usually bad for business. But in health care, when a customer doesn’t show up, it’s also bad for the customer.