<span itemprop="author">Stephanie Wellington, MD

Author's posts

Beat the overwhelm this holiday season and set the stage for cheer

Like anyone else, the holiday season can be the source of great joy. And it can add to the stress and overwhelm that physicians already experience.  The practicing physician may find herself torn between responsibilities in the clinical setting and the…

Even during a pandemic, I focus on living

Lately, I ask myself, “Where is my focus?” Is it on what’s in my inbox, where I receive daily emails about COVID-19, the vaccine, what’s working, and what’s not? Is it on the news, the trial, the verdict, police shootings,…

What is physician success? Your CV does not tell the entire story.

Physicians know what success looks like on paper.  We spend a large part of our journey in medicine taking action to be competitive for medical school, the top-ranking residency training program, and the prestigious attending position. Then the reality…

3 steps to track your success in medicine

It’s easy to get distracted by the demands of the journey in medicine. Today physicians now see patients in person and virtually.  Technology allows docs to bring work home and complete documentation remotely, which can blur the lines between work and …

As the world creates a new normal, we must do the same in medicine

Abundance is defined as “the state or condition of having a copious quantity of something” or “plentifulness of the good things of life: prosperity.” The massive havoc of the pandemic causes us to shrink in the face of human fra…

Medicine’s contribution to my family

When my medical career was in its infancy, providing for my family after divorce meant moonlighting in addition to working full-time hours.  Although it was my decision, I was torn between my children and my work. Time in the hospital meant missing out…

3 steps for physicians to shift from stuck to unstoppable

Every physician has had the experience.  The moment you ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” It could be when you look into the waiting room where there are more patients to be seen and know if you take a break, it will set you back even further. It co…

If we return to normal in medicine, have we lost the lesson of the pandemic? 

My energy has been bottled up. It’s not just over the past few weeks during this pandemic.  My energy has been bottled up and backlogged in some areas of my life for decades. The recent turn of life events has just made it even more glaring and evident…

3 tips for inner peace in this COVID-19 world

The world is impacted by coronavirus. The same advancements in civilization that allow us to travel and experience new cultures are the very thing that has blurred our borders and made everyone susceptible to the virus. We are observers and participant…

Physicians need to step into their calling, even if it’s not directly in medicine

If you follow me for any time, you know that I’m about physicians owning your value, recognizing your strength, and balancing your life. I was doing that before it became popular to talk about. While it has a catchy ring to it, what you don’t know is t…