<span itemprop="author">Stephen P. Wood, ACNP-BC

Author's posts

Being like squid is easy. Don’t be one.

Squid and other cephalopods have the amazing ability to change the color of their skin. In an instant, they can blend into their environment, matching the landscape perfectly to avoid detection. In contrast, they can turn a bright iridescent hue to war…

Health care needs new presentation techniques

“So, if you look at this table, you can see that group X had a small but statistically significant increase in mortality over group Y. What does that tell us? It suggests that maybe there is some signal that intervention A is better than intervention B…

What this clinician learned from a whale watching tour

Between leaving an emergency department where I had been working for nine years and starting in a new one, I had the luxury of having two months off, from May to July. This meant that I would get to really enjoy an extended summer break and recharge my…

Change the approach to triage to alleviate ER overcrowding

“Triage” is French for “to sort.” It developed as a concept on the battlefield as a way to address injured soldiers and ensure that care was provided to those most in need. In the emergency department, triage is usually the responsibility of a trained,…