Steve Brozak, Contributor

Author's posts

AI In Healthcare And Other Scary Stories

No greater buzzword exists than Artificial Intelligence. Make no mistake, AI is here and it’s a moneymaker for the healthcare industry, and we need to understand how.

Healthier Uses For The $5 Billion NextGen Covid-19 Funds

Paraphrasing a line miscredited to Einstein: “Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.” With the just announced White House $5 Billion Covid-19 NextGen Project for vaccine research and development, it seems that our pand…

The 5 SVB Critical Questions And Answers For Biotech

Six months ago, I wrote in Forbes how the Fed’s Inflation fight would harm Biotech. With the FDIC takeover of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) using the receiver, Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara the judgement has proven to be correct. And what…

The Next Covid-19 Crisis, May 11th And Our Missing Healthcare Leadership

The Biden administration just announced on May 11 it will end our Pandemic emergency declaration and this could test both health care and the economy. Crippled by vacancies in key health care leadership, what will the “end” of the Covid-19 health emerg…

7 Covid-19 Realities To Consider In 2023

In May 2020, Dr. Rick Bright, former director of BARDA, warned Congress that, without ramped up coronavirus pandemic preparedness, we would face the darkest winter in modern history. His warnings were spot on, however there has been precious little fol…

DIABETES – The Pandemic Is Here. How Do We Treat It?

On October 31, the White House declared this to be National Diabetes Month. You can be forgiven if you did not know that such a designation exists, but be slow to put this in the category of National Barbecue Day (May 16) because it is a safe bet that …

In The Fed’s Inflation Fight, Biotech May Be The First Casualty

Serious thought should be given to the effect the anticipated Federal Reserve 0.75% rate hike will have on the biotechnology industry and consequently on the health of the nation.

Can The “New” CDC Meet The Monkeypox Challenge?

Can the New CDC meet the monkeypox challenge? What will happen when your child’s school reports the first case of monkeypox? It isn’t a question of if, it’s a question of when. Monkeypox may not be lethal, but it’s both debilitating and disfiguring. Wh…

5 Musts To Achieve Covid-19 Independence

Far from cause for celebration, this 4th of July marks the 6th wave of Covid-19, with BA.4 and BA.5 variants leading the parade. The fact is that other strategies must be developed if we hope for independence from this pandemic.

A Virtual Covid-19 Summit With Virtually No Chance

A coherent financial Covid-19 plan has been lacking since the virus first arrived. Government leaders across the globe have ignored the Covid-19 reality of how the health of our economies are inexorably intertwined and the capital markets are now sayin…