Steve Brozak, Contributor

Author's posts

What Today’s CDC Covid-19 Vaccine Panel Needs To Confront

Today the CDC committee is expected to recommend implementation of the FDA’s Covid-19 booster approval, in doing so it will tacitly imply that vaccines cannot stop the Covid-19 pandemic. Vaccines however, can save lives by preventing severe illness, ho…

FDA And Pfizer Need A Covid-19 Reality Booster

Yesterday’s FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products (VRBPAC) meeting on the Pfizer booster was so problematic as to make a reasonable person wonder whether our vaccine strategy was ever about science.

Novavax’s Manufacturing Issues Are Solvable, But Covid-19 Vaccine Herd Immunity May Not Be

Vaccines are the most effective FDA authorized defense we now have against Covid-19 infections, but that defense weakens over time. We must now focus the discussion on if Vaccine Herd Immunity is attainable and what role can boosters play in achieving it?

Courage: A Book About Life And Beating The Odds In Healthcare

Courage: Powerful Lessons in Leadership, Strength, and the Will to Succeed by John Sperzel, provides a first-hand consumer’s guide to surviving a sometimes-challenging health care system.

AstraZeneca, Data Collection, And Covid-19 Irrational Exuberance

The consequences of being irrationally exuberant about the current state of the SARS-Co-V-2 pandemic has the potential to lead to much more than a financial downturn; it has the potential to lead to an unimaginable continued loss of life.

It Will Take The G-7 To Stop Covid-19: Here Are 5 Reasons Why

The G-7 Meeting offers hope in the battle against Covid-19 and also a hope to abate the constant reminder that Covid-19 is the deadly embodiment of why a predictable tomorrow is the stuff that dreams are made of.

Why Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution Will Fail: CNBC’s Cramer Answers – Chaos!

In an interview with OWS’s Advisor, Dr. Slaoui, CNBC’s Cramer calls out the USG’s plan for delivery of Covid-19 vaccine(s) as chaos.

Totally Under Control: A Movie Chronicling The US Covid-19 Tragedy

Americans have been waiting for an explanation of the US Government’s response to COVID-19 and Totally Under Control is the first documentary detailing the chaos that has resulted.

Five Critical Ways The Coronavirus Could Decide The Next President

The Coronavirus pandemic now threatens the world’s economies and social order. It will play a critical role in the 2020 Presidential election and this is just the start in many ways.

The 5 Unknowns Of The Wuhan Coronavirus

The novel coronavirus, known as Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has spread rapidly around our small and interconnected world. We must face the reality that asking the right questions about the virus now will help avert a crisis later.