Steve Forbes, Forbes Staff

Author's posts

Repercussions Of The Covid Crisis: A Conversation With Michael Milken

You’ll find this conversation with Mike Milken, who has done tremendously effective work in combating such diseases as cancer and now Covid-19, extremely timely, instructive—and hopeful.

Building Company Culture And Innovating The Future With Judy Faulkner

Judy Faulkner, founder and CEO of Epic Systems, which holds the medical records of more than half of all U.S. patients, discusses how increasingly accessible online patient information will be a boon for patient healthcare.

Making The Impossible Possible: A Conversation With Martine Rothblatt

Martine Rothblatt, creator of SiriusXM and whose company, United Therapeutics, has already saved thousands of lives from a rare disease, is working feverishly to create artificial organs, such as hearts, that could spare the lives of millions of people…

Socialized Medicine: How Much Biden’s Plan Will Cost Americans

Here’s why Joe Biden, if elected, will be bad for your healthcare.

The True Cost Of Medical Care With David Goldhill

A stunning conversation with a healthcare expert and entrepreneur on what’s profoundly wrong with our system and what we can do about it.

Let Singapore Lead The Way: Health Care With Sean Masaki Flynn

Noted economist Sean Masaki Flynn reveals how Singapore provides superb universal health care at a fraction of the cost of ours by using free-market principles, and how the U.S. can do it, too.

Health Care In The U.S.: Are You Being Overcharged?

With patients paying more out-of-pocket costs for medical expenses than ever before, it’s high time health-care providers publicly post prices for every aspect of medical care.

Vaping Versus Tobacco: The Truth You Need To Know

Here’s why the campaign against electronic cigarettes is a deadly mistake.

Cutting Drug Prices? What You Need To Know

The move to slap price controls on prescription drugs will be a disaster, wrecking our cutting-edge pharmaceutical companies and foisting a sicker future on us.

The Perverse Ascent Of Telemedicine

Telemedicine may be surging, but the business model demonstrates how third-party payment impedes innovations that could truly lower costs and improve patient experience.