<span itemprop="author">Susan MacLellan-Tobert, MD

Author's posts

Healing from the pandemic: a journey to recovery

While it appears we are on the downhill slope of COVID-19’s integration into everyday life, burnout rates are rising, and organizational trust is taking a nose-dive. Aren’t we supposed to be in the post-disaster recovery phase? What is the …

The transformation of doctors into “Dr. Widgets”

It has finally happened, I have transitioned to viewing myself as a widget, a depersonalized interface between the EMR and the patient. I am the unnamed device that collects the patient data and subsequently transcribes it into prose for billing purpos…

How clinicians can respond to the “big ask”

“Between stimulus and response, there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor Frankl In the post-pandemic practice environment, the autonomy-squishing &#8…

Institutional betrayal vs. courage

The pandemic has brutalized health care such that the term “institutional betrayal” (IB) is becoming part of the physician vernacular. This cringe-worthy term is being used to point a finger of shame at health care leaders and systems who p…