<span itemprop="author">Tariq Shaheed, DO

Author's posts

Planting the seeds of a work ethic

I was in eighth grade when I boarded a plane alone for a flight from Atlanta to Philadelphia. The airport was a confusing but magical place. This was before the tragedy of 9/11, and by today’s standards, we got out of our cars and almost waltzed …

The backboard bully: the roles we see can be all the difference in who we become

In the midst of youthful basketball games and hustling for Taco Bell chalupas, lifelong lessons were learned, leading to diverging paths and ultimately tragic loss. We called him “The Backboard Bully.” He’d find his spot at or near th…

A patient’s resilience and the challenge of dialysis

After she developed a serious complication, she wanted to know the facts plainly stated. I told her the treatment would change her quality of life; it would be hard but doable. To this, she replied, “Now, don’t bullsh*t me, I don’t li…