<span itemprop="author">Varun Verma, MD

Author's posts

The truth about health care startups: financial sacrifices and emotional toll

The allure of joining a startup as a health care professional is undeniable. With over 70 percent of physicians now employed by health systems and other corporate entities – we often feel like invisible cogs in a machine and feel excluded from an…

Residency reshaped: the courageous journey of switching specialties

“Don’t leave. There are miserable people in this world, and then ones more miserable than the others. My assessment is that you’re in the second category.” Although it has been over a decade since I resigned from my ophthalmolog…

The unspoken epidemic: Why health care professionals aren’t talking about burnout

We don’t talk about burnout. I recently reunited with a former medical school classmate for lunch and realized that I talked more to him in two hours about my experiences over the past few years than with my hospitalist colleagues at work or my c…

A physician shares his financial mistakes

Physicians often make mistakes when it comes to their personal finances and wealth-building strategy. We are human, after all. Private forums, blogs, and podcasts are filled with horror stories of physicians being scammed into buying expensive whole-li…